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Corruption Threatens Civil Rights

Most cases of corruption involving regional heads are related to public service, such as that for infrastructure, health and education. Any indifference will continue to harm public interests.

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Non-active Riau Islands governor Nurdin Basirun attends a hearing at the Jakarta Corruption Court on Wednesday (4/12/2019). Nurdin is suspected of accepting gratuities amounting to Rp 4.22 billion from 2016-2019. The money was reportedly handed over relation to the issuance of principle licenses for the use of marine space, reclamation location permits and reclamation implementation permits.

Most cases of corruption involving regional heads are related to public service, such as that for infrastructure, health and education. Any indifference will continue to harm public interests.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS — Considering the cases of corruption that involve regional heads in Indonesia, the public should be careful in exercising its voting right in the 2020 simultaneous regional elections covering 270 regions. It’s because most of the corruption implicating regional heads threatens the rights of society to primary public service.


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