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Promoting Export-Oriented MSMEs

The contribution our micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) have made to total exports remains relatively small at 14 percent. Compare this to Singapore at 41 percent, Thailand (29 percent) and China (60 percent).

Kompas Team
· 1 menit baca

A woman arranges a display of locally produced coffee on Thursday (23/7/2020) at a business meeting on micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). Local MSMEs have developed superior products from the NTB administration’s economic assistance for earthquake-affected communities. Today, MSMEs in Lombok have said they have been encouraged by the transition to the “new normal” phase of the Covid-19 mitigation measures.

Amid the pandemic still holding sway today, Indonesia’s non-oil and gas exports are showing a positive growth trend in line with recovery in global economy and trade.

Total export value in 2020 reached US$163.3 billion, a decline of 2.61 percent compared to the total value in 2019. The cumulative value of exports in January-August 2021 stood at $142.01 billion, a 37.77 percent year-on-year (yoy) rise compared to the same period in 2020. Non-oil and gas exports totaled $134.13 billion, a 37.03 percent yoy increase. The surge in exports, according to Statistics Indonesia (BPS), was particularly boosted by rising commodity prices in the global market and growing demand from several trading partners.


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