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EnglishMobility During This Year’s...


Mobility During This Year’s Mudik Has Only Reached 50 Percent

The annual Idul Fitri holiday mudik (exodus) will peak between Wednesday (19/4/2023) to Thursday. As of Wednesday 11 p.m., mobility has reached only 50 percent.

Kompas Team
· 1 menit baca
Thousands of cars crossed Kilometer (Km) 72 of the Cipali Toll Road, Karawang, West Java, Thursday (20/4/2023). The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) predicts that the peak of Lebaran homecoming will occur on April 19 and 20 2023.

Thousands of cars crossed Kilometer (Km) 72 of the Cipali Toll Road, Karawang, West Java, Thursday (20/4/2023). The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) predicts that the peak of Lebaran homecoming will occur on April 19 and 20 2023.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS – The annual Idul Fitri holiday mudik (exodus) will peak between Wednesday to Thursday. National Police chief Gen. Listyo Sigit Prabowo said that 40-50 percent of the public will still travel through the Jakarta-Cikampek toll road to the Kalikangkung toll road. Hence, the density in traffic can be managed as best as possible.

“We have considered this because we predicted that 2-3 days [prior to Idul Fitri], there would still be a lot of traffic. I’ve observed that traffic is still quite high 2-3 days [prior to Idul Fitri], and it will decrease a day before [Idul Fitri],” said Listyo during a visit to the Jasa Marga command post at kilometer 70 on the Cikampek Utama tollgate.


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