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Passing the Asset Confiscation Bill

Among the respondents of the recent Kompas poll, 82.2 percent support enacting the Bill on Confiscating Criminal Assets.

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Rafael Alun Trisambodo entered the exposure room at the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Office, Jakarta, after being questioned as a suspect and officially detained, Monday (3/4/2023). Rafael Alum Trisambodo is suspected of receiving gratuities from taxpayers for conditioning various tax audit findings.

Rafael Alun Trisambodo entered the exposure room at the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Office, Jakarta, after being questioned as a suspect and officially detained, Monday (3/4/2023). Rafael Alum Trisambodo is suspected of receiving gratuities from taxpayers for conditioning various tax audit findings.

Of this, 82.2 percent, as much as 35.5 percent of respondents even deemed it very urgent to pass the asset confiscation bill. The weight of public pressure from the results of Kompas' poll on 4-6 April 2023 shows that this is one of the most crucial issues at present, particularly with the public exposure of the luxury lifestyle of a number of officials. Unfortunately, the presidential letter related to the Bill on Confiscating Criminal Assets has not been sent to the House of Representatives (DPR) because it is missing signatures from several ministers and state institution heads. In fact, the presidential letter should be an Eid al-Fitr gift for the people, especially those who desire a clean government. What's more, 87.9 percent of respondents considered that one cause of the rise in corruption was that regulation to impoverish corruptors remained weak. Also read: > Lifestyle of State Officials > Investigation into State Officials’ Wealth Begins

President Joko Widodo has actually been urging the passage of the asset confiscation bill since February 2023. As such, the President's subordinates should not hamper his wish. The asset confiscation bill certainly contains a number of breakthroughs. One provision refers to the concept of reverse proof (illicit enrichment), which has been expressed often. However, what about its application? How to gather evidence, for example, for a government official who is accused of having wealth without clear sources?
