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Organizing Healthy ‘Pilkada’

A smooth voting process in the 2020 regional head elections (Pilkada) demands the best efforts of all parties. Not only to ensure quality regional elections but also to prevent the formation of new COVID-19 clusters.

Kompas Team
· 1 menit baca

Poll workers pick up plastic buckets that will be used for handwashing stations in the local election in the subdistrict of West Jurangmangu in South Tangerang City, Banten, on Decem-ber 8. The equipment will be distributed to 83 polling stations (TPS) within the subdistrict. South Tangerang City residents will elect a mayor and deputy mayor in the 2020 regional election. South Tangerang Mayor Airin Rachmi Diany and Deputy Mayor Benyamin Davnie have served two terms. The 2020 regional elections will be held simultaneously across the country. This year’s regional elections are conducted amid the COVID-19 pandemic, necessi-tating strict health protocol.

A smooth voting process in the 2020 regional head elections (Pilkada) demands the best efforts of all parties. Not only to ensure quality regional elections but also to prevent the formation of new COVID-19 clusters.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS— This Wednesday (9/12/2020) will be the culmination of the 2020 regional head elections. The voting process which is held amidst the high number of new Covid-19 cases must be the concern of voters and election organizers in 308 regencies/cities. Health protocols must be followed.
