The Great Strides of Indonesia
“Before the twentieth century, there was no Indonesia and thus no Indonesians”, wrote RE Elson in the beginning of The Idea of Indonesia: A History (2008).
“Before the twentieth century, there was no Indonesia and thus no Indonesians”, wrote RE Elson in the beginning of The Idea of Indonesia: A History (2008).
This book was translated into Indonesian as The Idea of Indonesia: Sejarah Pemikiran dan Gagasan (2009). Mohammad Hatta, in his article in De Socialist, 8 December 1928, published in the collected works, Mohammad Hatta: Politik, Kebangsaan, Ekonomi (Mohammad Hatta: Politics, Nationalism, Economy, 1926-1977), with a foreword by Daniel Dhakidae, indicated that Indonesia for the first time appeared as a scientific term.
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