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EnglishAccelerate Fulfillment of...

Accelerate Fulfillment of Reform Promises

Indonesia has relatively been on the right track. However, acceleration is needed to improve the country’s Human Development Index and resolve problems, including social gaps and corruption.

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Community figures, workers, artists and activists mark the 20th anniversary of the Reform Movement on Monday (21/5/2018) at the National Monument (Monas) in Jakarta. During the commemorative event, they reminded the government to develop upon the spirit and objectives of Reform from which it had deviated, including gross human rights violations, workers\' rights, social inequality and other issues, such as the rampant corruption in the country.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS – During the Reform Era of the past 20 years, Indonesia has become a democratic country, especially in terms of norms and regulations. However, several improvements are deemed urgent.

The acceleration of improvements is necessary in eradicating corruption, closing the income gap and improving Human Development Index (HDI).
