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Utamaβ€ΊVolume II of Tax Amnesty...

Volume II of Tax Amnesty Considered Not Urgent

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Last Day of First Period Tax Amnesty Implementation -- Taxpayers take part in the tax amnesty program on the last day of the first period of the program at the Yogyakarta office of the Taxation Directorate General on Jl. Ring Road Utara, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Friday (30/9/2016). As of Thursday (29/9) evening, 3,105 participants had declared their asset values worth Rp 13.6 trillion and penalty repayments of Rp 273.53 billion.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS β€” The policy of the volume II of tax amnesty is considered not urgent for Indonesia because the government already has a map and profile of taxpayers according to risk classification. The policy focus should be directed toward finding new sources of income and boosting tax reform.Executive director of the Center for Indonesia Taxation Analysis (CITA) Yustinus Prastowo, when contacted in Jakarta on Friday (2/8/2019), said the tax amnesty volume II discourse had the potential to harm the taxation system. This also creates a sense of injustice for those who have participated in the tax amnesty.

According to Prastowo, the government should focus on running the road map for law enforcement after the tax amnesty in accordance with Law No. 9/2017. The map includes tax reform and law enforcement that is measurable, impartial, objective and fair.
