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Political Party Electability Remains Dynamic

The dynamic political landscape leading up to the 2024 elections has had diverse impacts on political parties. The PDI-P is leading in electability with 23.3 percent of the votes.

M Toto Suryaningtyas
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National Mandate Party (PAN) Chairperson Zulkifli Hasan, National Awakening Party Chairperson Muhaimin Iskandar, Gerindra Party Chairperson Prabowo Subianto, Golkar Party Chairperson Airlangga Hartarto, and Acting United Development Party Chairperson Muhammad Mardiono (from left to right) posing in outside the Jakarta Presidential Palace Complex, Tuesday (2/5/2023) evening after meeting with President Joko Widodo.

National Mandate Party (PAN) Chairperson Zulkifli Hasan, National Awakening Party Chairperson Muhaimin Iskandar, Gerindra Party Chairperson Prabowo Subianto, Golkar Party Chairperson Airlangga Hartarto, and Acting United Development Party Chairperson Muhammad Mardiono (from left to right) posing in outside the Jakarta Presidential Palace Complex, Tuesday (2/5/2023) evening after meeting with President Joko Widodo.

Among the nine parties that secured seats in the House of Representatives, four of them experienced an increase in electability, as revealed by a periodic survey conducted by Kompas in May, compared to the survey conducted in January. The four parties showing increased electability are the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), Gerindra Party, the National Mandate Party (PAN) and the United Development Party (PPP). Meanwhile, the remaining five parties, namely Golkar Party, the Democratic Party, the National Democrat Party (Nasdem), the National Awakening Party (PKB) and the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) have seen a decline in their electability.

The PDI-P is leading in electability with 23.3 percent of the votes, experiencing a slight increase (0.4 percent) compared to the January 2023 survey.


Versi cetak artikel ini terbit di harian Kompas edisi di halaman 1 dengan judul "Elektabilitas Parpol Masih Dinamis".

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