Political Parties Compose Strategies to Win Electoral Support
The Kompas survey shows the levels of favorability, preferences and electability of political parties are not linear. Strategies are needed to transform favorability and preference into electability.
Rows of flags of political parties participating in the 2019 Simultaneous Election decorate the flyover in the Senayan area, Jakarta, Sunday (7/4/2019).
JAKARTA, KOMPAS — The electability of political parties as shown by the results of the latest Kompas Research and Development survey is still dynamic. A number of parties are designing competitive strategies to boost favorability while converting it into electability. Real public work and partisanship are the ways to make voters choose a party.
Referring to the Kompas Research and Development survey of electability taken from 29 April to 10 May 2023, the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) is still in the lead, with 23.3 percent, a slight increase (0.4 percent) on the January 2023 survey. Next is Gerindra, which rose from 14.3 percent to 18.6 percent, followed by the Democratic Party, the Golkar Party and NasDem.
Versi cetak artikel ini terbit di harian Kompas edisi di halaman 1 dengan judul "Parpol Adu Strategi untuk Konversi Popularitas".
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