The Misery of Living with Flash Floods and Rob Floods in Semarang
The floods in Semarang city had three causes: a minimum number of upstream resorption areas, drainage failure, and land subsidence and sea level rise. The three must be overcome by dissimilar methods.
For years, part of the population of Semarang city, Central Java, has had to live with flash floods and seawater overflows known as robfloods. Victims are hoping for a comprehensive solution so that their lives will no longer be under the shadow of the disasters.
Adennyar Wycaksono, 33, a resident of Mangkang Wetan subdistrict, Tugu district, Semarang city, cannot yet forget the flash flood he experienced in 2010. At the time, 10 people were reported dead after having been dragged by the current. One of them was discovered by Aden near his house.