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Time to Reflect on the Merdeka Belajar Program

The Merdeka Belajar (Emancipated Learning) program has colored national education in the last three years. Though various breakthroughs have been made, there are still problems that have yet to be resolved.

Kompas Team
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Education, Culture, Research and Technology Minister  Anwar Makarim leads the commemoration ceremony for National Education Day in Jakarta, Tuesday (2/5/2023).

Education, Culture, Research and Technology Minister Anwar Makarim leads the commemoration ceremony for National Education Day in Jakarta, Tuesday (2/5/2023).

JAKARTA, KOMPAS – The 2023 National Education Day has created the opportunity to reflect on the struggle of educational transformation through the Merdeka Belajar (Emancipated Learning) program. Although a number of breakthroughs have been made, the fundamental issues of education have not been fully resolved.

In commemoration of the 2023 National Education Day in Jakarta, on Tuesday (2/5/2023), Education, Culture, Research and Technology Minister Nadiem Anwar Makarims said the 24 episodes of the Merdeka Belajar program that have been launched has brought Indonesian education closer to the noble aspirations of the father of education, Ki Hadjar Dewantara. This aspiration is for education to guide the talents, interests and potentials of students in order for them to achieve the highest level of security and happiness as human beings and members of society.
