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Disorder in Central Kalimantan Food Estate

The location in Gunung Mas with cassava commodities is managed by the Defense Ministry. Meanwhile, the locations in Pulang Pisau and Kapuas with rice commodities are managed by the Agriculture Ministry.

Kompas Team
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Workers are active in the food estate program in Form Jaya Village, Kapuas Regency, Central Kalimantan, on  Wednesday (21/4/2021).

Workers are active in the food estate program in Form Jaya Village, Kapuas Regency, Central Kalimantan, on Wednesday (21/4/2021).

JAKARTA, KOMPAS — The food estate project in Central Kalimantan is prepared to respond to national food needs and is expected to replace the traditional farming system that has been prohibited. However, the findings in the field show various problems faced by this national strategic project that can become a source of new problems.

Kompas recent findings between Jul. 15 and 28 ranges from cassava fields that looked neglected in Tawai Baru Village, Gunung Mas Regency, to fertilizers and dolomite lime that were left piled up on the roadside at the location of new paddy fields in a number of villages in Pulang Pisau and Kapuas regencies. These three regencies are locations for food estate development.


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