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Police Continue to Investigate Ferdy's House

Komnas HAM chairman Ahmad Taufan Damanik said his party had also formed a team to investigate Nofryansah's death. The team formed by Komnas HAM works independently, separate from the special police team.

Kompas Team
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The case of police shooting police at the official house of the Head of the Propam Division of the National Police Inspector General Ferdy Sambo in the Duren Tiga area, South Jakarta, Friday (8/7/2022), has sparked many questions from the public.

The case of police shooting police at the official house of the Head of the Propam Division of the National Police Inspector General Ferdy Sambo in the Duren Tiga area, South Jakarta, Friday (8/7/2022), has sparked many questions from the public.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS β€” The National Police's special team continues to investigate the death of Brigadier J, or Nofryansah Yosua Hutabarat, at the official residence of the Profession and Security Division of the National Police head Insp. Gen. Ferdy Sambo in Duren Tiga, South Jakarta. Until Friday (15/7/2022), Ferdy's official residence was still being visited by officers from the Indonesian Automatic Finger Print Identification System (Inafis).

Security around Ferdy's official residence has also been tightened. Previously guarded by security officers from the local complex, now the official residence is also guarded by three village supervisory non-commissioned officers (bhabinkamtibmas) from the Pancoran Police and several plain-clothed police officers. Guard also cover Ferdy's residence in the Pertambangan Complex, which is located about 500 meters from his official residence in Duren Tiga.
