Secret Guild War
The story of the Liu clan saving the Liao clan is a story of Triad loyalty that has often been talked about in our family.
The commander of the Taykong kongsi (organization), Liao Ngie Liong (the Second Dragon Liao) was smuggled in a coffin to Sarawak by the head of the Lan Fong kongsi, Liu A Sin. The incident happened after the Taykong troops were defeated by the Dutch East Indies colonial forces in the Kapitan Monterado War in Sambas, West Kalimantan, in 1855.
The rescue operation had to be carried out by Liu A Sin because Liao Ngie Liong was one of the leaders of Tiandihui, popularly called the Triad, a secret network of Chinese people spread all over the world. Liu A Sin's connection to the secret network demanded his loyalty.