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Form the Best KPU, Bawaslu

Ensuring the 2024 Elections is run independently, honestly, fairly, with legal certainty in an orderly, open, proportional, professional, accountable and effective is the challenge facing the new KPU and Bawaslu.

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Screenshot of the Selection Team for Candidates for Members of the General Elections Commission and the Election Supervisory Body announcing the names of 14 KPU commissioner candidates and 10 Bawaslu commissioner candidates who were handed over to the President, at the Bogor Presidential Palace, Thursday (6/1/2022).

The steps the government and the House of Representatives (DPR) take in the next few weeks will greatly determine the journey of democracy in this country. Do not choose the wrong election organizers.

The candidate selection team for the General Elections Commission (KPU) and the Elections Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) submitted on Thursday (6/1/2022) the names of 14 candidates for the KPU and 10 candidates for the Bawaslu to President Joko Widodo at Bogor Palace in West Java. Within the next 14 days, the President will submit the candidatesโ€™ names to the DPR for a fit and proper test, after which seven KPU members and five Bawaslu members will be selected for the 2022-2027 period.

Syahnan Rangkuti