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Afghanistan, Neo-Taliban, Indonesia

The process of the fall of Kabul a few days ago was like a repeat of what happened in 1996. Before capturing Kabul, this fundamentalist group controlled Kandahar. From Kandahar, they marched north to capture Kabul.

Trias Kuncahyono, Senior Journalist
· 1 menit baca

Taliban fighters display their flag on patrol in Kabul, Afghanistan, Thursday, Aug. 19, 2021. The Taliban celebrated Afghanistan\'s Independence Day on Thursday by declaring they beat the United States, but challenges to their rule ranging from running a country severely short on cash and bureaucrats to potentially facing an armed opposition began to emerge. 

History repeats itself in Afghanistan. The capital Kabul, for the second time, fell to the Taliban on Friday (13/8/2021).

On 26 September 1996, this armed opposition group captured Kabul. At that time, they removed President Burhanuddin Rabbani; previously they hanged President Mohammad Najibullah who was identified as a puppet of the Soviet Union.


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