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Indonesia Never Surrenders

Indonesia will be 76 years old. Throughout the passage of time, this country has faced various challenges but survived the trials. With the Covid-19 pandemic, all the nation’s components are also moving on to surmount it

Rini Kustiasih/Agnes Theodora/Kurnia Yunita Rahayu
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JAKARTA, KOMPAS — From the era of struggle against colonialism to independence on 17 August 1945, all achievements were secured with the spirit of never giving up and the struggle involving all the forces of the nation’s different elements. The same was true of the subsequent historical events that were bathed in perspiration and tears, such as the multidimensional crisis of 1998, followed by rioting and ending in the Reform movement.

Now, the diverse elements of the nation are striving to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts.

Syahnan Rangkuti