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Community Mobility Increases in Residential Areas

Increased mobility in residential areas can be seen from Google’s Community Mobility Report.

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Kompas/Wawan H Prabowo

The atmosphere on the Mohamed bin Zayed (MBZ) Elevated Toll Road in Bekasi City, West Java, which was closed using a plastic barrier, on Friday (16/7/2021). To support the implementation of emergency Community Activity Blocking (PPKM) ahead of Eid al-Adha, PT Jasamarga Cikampek Flyover (JJC) closed the MBZ Elevated Toll Road from that day until Thursday (22/7).

The movement of people in residential areas is seeing a rising trend, despite the implementation of the emergency public activity restrictions (PPKM Darurat). Meanwhile, as many as 3,400 people have been unable to get hospital beds in Jakarta due to the continuing surge in new Covod-19 cases.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS— The movement of people in residential areas is rising, despite the government’s move to implement the emergency public activity restrictions (PPKM Darurat). This condition is very worrying, because it can spur on the transmission of Covid-19.
