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It\'s Amazing to See the Body of Ramesses II Still Intact

The name of Ramesses is also well known, not only to the citizens of Egypt. His story is often mentioned in the Koran with the Prophet Musa AS. It is said that Ramesses II was a very powerful and cruel king.

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Inside the Egyptian National Museum of Civilization (NMEC) on Sunday 13 June 2021

The experience on Sunday afternoon (13/6/2021) was really unforgettable. There was an indescribable admiration. In front of my eyes, I saw the body of Ramesses II with thick blonde hair lying stiff in a glass case. His whole body with a height of about 1.8 meters in the form of a mummy) was blackish in color and was still intact from head to toe.

Anyone can now see firsthand the body of the Ramesses II, the third pharaoh of the Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt, lying in the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization (NMEC) in the Fustat area, Cairo, Egypt. Along with the bodies of 21 other pharaohs as ancient Egyptian kings are called, the body of Ramesses II was transferred on April 3 from the National Museum of Egypt in Tahrir Square to the NMEC in Fustat, south of downtown Cairo, which was Egypt\'s first capital under Islamic rule.

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