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Our Life and Death Rely on the Sea

Some of the residents on the north coast of Karawang, West Java, are now collapsed. In the midst of a pandemic and bad weather, again they are “slipped up” by an oil spill in the sea.

Melati Mewangi
· 1 menit baca

Fishermen from Karawang catch tembang fish in the waters of Jakarta Bay at Muara Angke Pier, Jakarta, Thursday (13/8/2020). They have been fishing all the way to Jakarta Bay since the waters in Karawang were contaminated by the oil spill.

A pungent odor was smelled by Yani (56), a fisherman in Cemarajaya village, Cibuaya district, Karawang, Thursday night (22/4/2021). Instantly, his face looked worried. He knew exactly what this smell was.

Two years ago, this same smell had brought Yani much anxiety. Not being able to go to sea means a big disaster. In fact, the sea is the only source of life for him and his family.

Syahnan Rangkuti