face-to-face learning
Weak Protocols, Hundreds of Students Test Positive for Covid-19
Most of the infected students are self-isolating in school dormitories.
Students of different grades wear masks and maintain physical distance as study together in a “pod” on Friday (28/8/2020), using the free wifi facility at the RW 05 community unit hall in West Kuningan, South Jakarta. The subdistrict offices provided free internet access to make it easier for the students to follow the online distance learning (PJJ) education policy during the Covid-19 health crisis.
PADANG, KOMPAS — Hundreds of students in a number of regions have tested positive for Covid-19, possibly due to a lack of discipline in complying with health protocols. Most of the infected students are self-isolating in school dormitories.
At the SMA 1 senior high school in Padang Panjang, West Sumatra, 61 students tested positive for Covid-19. They are self-isolating in the school’s dormitory.
Versi cetak artikel ini terbit di harian Kompas edisi di halaman 1 dengan judul "Protokol Lemah Ratusan Siswa Positif".
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