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Preparing for the Great 2024 election

The nation’s greatest democratic event will occur in 2024. Presidential, legislative, senatorial, local legisla-tive and 547 regional head elections will be held simultaneously.

kompas editor
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Residents cross the General Election Commission mural which invites the role of the community not to abstain and fight money politics in the elections in the Dukuh Atas area, Jakarta, on Monday (13/7/2020).

The nation’s greatest democratic event will occur in 2024. Presidential, legislative, senatorial, local legislative and 547 regional head elections will be held simultaneously.

The nation’s largest simultaneous election will now cer-tainly be held, after the government and the House of Representatives agreed to remove a revision to Law No. 7/2017 on elections from the 2021 National Legislation Program (Prolegnas). Because of this decision, the 2019 simultaneous presidential, legislative, senatorial and lo-cal legislative elections will be repeated in 2024. Gubernatorial election for 34 provinces, as well as regental and mayoral elections for 514 regencies and cities will also be held in 2024 as stipulated in Law No. 6/2020.
