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Guarding the Quality, Safety and Efficacy of Vaccines

In implementing Covid-19 vaccination in Indonesia, the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) acts as a “referee” that oversees the entire vaccination process, from testing to vaccine distribution.

Deonisia Arlinta,/Atika Walujani Moedjiono/Ahmad Arif
· 1 menit baca
KOMPAS/Dokumentasi BPOM

Head of the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) Penny K Lukito

In implementing Covid-19 vaccination in Indonesia, the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) acts as a “referee” that oversees the entire vaccination process, from testing to vaccine distribution. The vaccination cannot be carried out if there is no emergency use authorization from the agency.

BPOM has to step up. We also carry out a number of tasks that should not be the responsibility of the BPOM to ensure that the quality, safety and efficacy of vaccines are guaranteed and their implementation is in accordance with the stipulated time," said BPOM chairperson Penny K. Lukito. The following is an excerpt of an interview between Kompas and the head of BPOM in Jakarta, Friday (15/1/2021).

Syahnan Rangkuti