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EnglishEducation in Job Creation Law

Education in Job Creation Law

On Friday (16/10/2020), a news report on education was published in the context of the approval and passage of the Job Creation Law by the House of Representatives.

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Kompas/Hendra A Setyawan

Students read textbooks from the mobile library collection at SDN Lebak Bulus 07 Pagi, Jakarta, Tuesday (10/9/2019).

On Friday (16/10/2020), a news report on education was published in the context of the approval and passage of the Job Creation Law by the House of Representatives.

Objections to an attempt to link education with commercial businesses have emerged. According to Hafid Abbas, a professor at the State University of Jakarta, the nation of Indonesia was able to be born because the country did not commercialize education. Professor Hafid’s concern refers to Article 12 of the Job Creation Law, which stipulates that “the implementation of licensing in the education sector can be done through business licensing as referred to in this law (UU)”.
