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Job Creation Bill, Post-Approval

The public witnessed the clamor of the plenary meeting on Monday (5/10/2020) when the House of Representatives (DPR) passed the Job Creation Bill.

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Kompas/Wawan H Prabowo

A number of DPR members from the Democratic Party faction left the plenary meeting room because their aspirations were not accommodated by the leadership of the DPR during the ratification of the Job Creation Bill at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday (5/10/2020).

The public witnessed the clamor of the plenary meeting on Monday (5/10/2020) when the House of Representatives (DPR) passed the Job Creation Bill.

Many people smiled as they observed the enthusiasm of the leaders presiding over the meeting or the heated arguments between the attendees, as well as when some attendees walked out. The media reports on the subsequent reactions also varied. Demos were staged in the following days, for whatever motives and aims. These were to do with the process. Then, what was the response to the actual substance of the bill?
