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Quick Fund Disbursement Getting More Crucial

Indonesia\'s economy is projected to experience negative growth in the second quarter 2020. The bureaucratic procedure, distribution and data collection should be immediately improved to help boost government pending.

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Activities are carried out in the construction of an LRT station to link Jakarta, Bogor, Depok and Bekasi (Jabodebek) at the Dukuh Atas-Cawang route, which is next to the inner-city toll road, South Jakarta, Sunday (2/8/2020). The LRT project is among infrastructure projects allowed to continue in the midst of the Covid-19 epidemic. Jabodebek LRT is targeted to be ready for commercial operation in June 2022.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS - Bureaucratic and administrative problems that have so far impeded the disbursement of the national economic recovery funds must be immediately resolved. If government spending is not increased, Indonesia\'s chances of falling into a recession are even greater.

Teuku Riefky, an economist at the University of Indonesia\'s Institute for Economic and Social Research (LPEM UI), said the low disbursement of the government’s funds for economic recovery programs did not only occur in Indonesia, but also in many other countries.

Syahnan Rangkuti