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Prioritize Safety of Everyone at School

Ahead of the start of the new school year on 13 July 2020, the government has yet to make a decision on how school learning activities will look like moving forward.

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An officer from the City of Tangerang office of the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) disinfects SDN 1 Tangerang state elementary school, Banten, Wednesday (3/6/2020). Spraying is carried out to sterilize the school environment of Covid-19. Many schools are not ready to reopen face-to-face teaching and learning activities physically. Teachers are still having difficulty implementing the Covid-19 preventive health protocol. Meanwhile, many parents are hesitant to allow their children to go back to school in the middle of the pandemic.

Ahead of the start of the new school year on 13 July 2020, the government has yet to make a decision on how school learning activities will look like moving forward. Whatever the decision is, the safety of children, teachers and parents must be the top priority.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS— As of Sunday (7/6/2020), the start of the 2020-2021 school year remained on 13 July 2020. However, the Education and Culture Ministry has not decided whether students will continue with long-distance learning using the internet or if schools will resume in-class learning. Many have warned that, moving forward, education policies must prioritize the protection of everyone at school against Covid-19.
