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Thoughts and Preparations for Post-Covid-19 Strategy

Covid-19 has stopped social activities in the world. If we look at all the countries that exist, all are fighting and providing their utmost to save their people, their country’s economy and their way of life.

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Medical workers bring in patients at a special coronavirus intake tent at Maimonides Medical Center in the Borough Park section of Brooklyn which has seen an upsurge of coronavirus patients on April 02, 2020 in New York City. Hospitals in New York City, which has been especially hard hit by the coronavirus, are facing shortages of beds, ventilators and protective equipment for medical staff. Currently, over 75,000 New Yorkers have tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19).

Covid-19 has stopped social activities in the world. If we look at all the countries that exist, all are fighting and providing their utmost to save their people, their country’s economy and their way of life. Some do quantitative easing, reduce taxes, restructure credits, and so on.

All-out efforts are needed to guarantee liquidity, but let us think about the basic functions of money. One function of money is as a store of value. When we have more money in the world, value will be diluted around the entire world. We do not see inflation happening because we are entering or are in a recession, a condition in which consumption does not really happen because people do not spend money. Real value has declined worldwide because of the outbreak. That is the difficult economic situation we are facing.
