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Sanctions in the Job Creation Bill

The government officially submitted the omnibus bill on job creation to the House of Representatives (DPR) on 12 Feb. 2020 for deliberation in the next session period.

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Students and workers hold up posters and other signs during a protest on Monday (9/3/2020) to mark International Women\'s Day at the House of Representatives (DPR) in Senayan, Jakarta. In addition to condemning sexual violence as well as the discrimination and exploitation of women workers, the protesters also expressed their objections to the omnibus bill on job creation, which they said was taking a sapu jagat (one size fits all) approach in its aim to attract investment.

The 1,028-page bill consists of 174 articles that affect 1,203 articles in 79 laws. The bill consists of 11 discussion clusters. First, the simplification of licensing is related to 1,042 articles in 52 Laws. Second, investment requirements deal with nine articles in four laws. Third, employment is related to 63 articles in three laws.

Fourth, convenience, protection of MSMEs and cooperatives are related to six articles in three laws. Fifth, ease of doing business is related to 20 articles in nine laws. Sixth, research and innovation support is related to one article in one law. Seventh, government administration is related to 11 articles in two laws. Eighth, the imposition of sanctions in the form of a new norm. Ninth, land acquisition is related to 14 articles in two Laws. Tenth, investment and national strategy projects in the form of a new norm. Eleventh, economic zones are related to 37 articles in three laws.

Syahnan Rangkuti