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Indonesia Intensifies Presence on Natuna Sea

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has affirmed there will be no compromise over the sovereign right of Indonesia in the North Natuna Exclusive Economic Zone. Indonesia will further intensify its presence in this zone.

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The KRI Teuku Umar and KRI Tjiptadi warships are prepared for deployment in the TNI (Indonesian Military) Sea Combat Alert operation, which is to be reinforced by air power. A military briefing was held and led by the chief of the Joint Defense Territory Command (Kogabwilhan), Vice Adm. Yudo Margono in Natuna on Friday (3/1/2020).

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has affirmed there will be no compromise over the sovereign right of Indonesia in the North Natuna Exclusive Economic Zone. Indonesia will further intensify its presence in this zone.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS — In the face of the entry by Chinese fishing and government vessels into the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of Indonesia in the North Natuna Sea, the Indonesian government is assuming a firm noncompromise stance. Indonesia will also prioritize law enforcement and an approach that increases its presence with patrol and fishing vessels.
