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Fix the Chaotic System

Around 480,000 Indonesians with schizophrenia were recorded in 2018, and an estimated seven out of 1,000 households have family members with schizophrenia.

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Jamiin examines patients suffering from mental disorders at the Penuh Warna Griya Cinta Kasih Foundation in Jombang regency, East Java, on Thursday (3/10/2019). The foundation, chaired by Jamiin, runs a rehabilitation center for people with mental disorders. Currently, it has 265 residents.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS – Schizophrenia is treatable and curable. However, strong social stigmas, misconceptions, limited mental health services and the politicization of mental health have left scores of schizophrenia sufferers without prompt treatment, increasing the burden on their families as well as the state.

Bagus Utomo, chairman of the Indonesian Community for Schizophrenia Care (KPSI), said in Jakarta on Tuesday (8/10/2019) that the state was not yet present for schizophrenia patients. The state’s lack of attention for such patients had left schizophrenia sufferers with untapped potential amid the nation’s efforts in taking advantage of the demographic bonus.

Nasru Alam Aziz