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Evaluation of the 2019 Simultaneous Elections

The 2019 elections were the first simultaneous elections in Indonesia. A number of circles expressed a belief the elections would significantly improve our political system.

Moch. Nurhasim
· 1 menit baca


The 2019 elections were the first simultaneous elections in Indonesia. A number of circles expressed a belief the elections would significantly improve our political system.

This was expected to happen if a coattail effect occurred and the political intelligence of voters became the basis for constituents’ choice of candidates, both presidential candidates and legislative in the House of Representatives (DPR) and Regional Representatives Council (DPD). However, this assumption has not been proven. The results of the 2019 elections were almost the same as previous elections in which the presidential election and the election of representatives in the House and DPD were held separately.

Nasru Alam Aziz