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EnglishRecording Wallace\'s Trace

Kama Jaya Shagir and Taufik Ismail

Recording Wallace\'s Trace

Kama Jaya Shagir and Taufik Ismail are civil servants whose hobbies are photography and writing. Their hobbies are in line with their interest in history and biodiversity.

Reny Sri Ayu and Luki Aulia
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Kama Jaya Saghir (right) and M Taufiq Ismail

Kama Jaya Shagir and Taufik Ismail are civil servants whose hobbies are photography and writing. Their hobbies are in line with their interest in history and biodiversity. They explore history, observe biodiversity and capture it in photographs and writing.

When Kama, a forest ecosystem controller at Bantimurung-Bulusaraung (Babul) National Park, searched for the ruins of Alfred Russel Wallace\'s house in the Maros area in 2015-2016, it actually was not part of his duties. However, his interest in history prompted him to look for the home of the British naturalist that he had read about in The Malay Archipelago.

Nasru Alam Aziz

Versi cetak artikel ini terbit di harian Kompas edisi di halaman 12 dengan judul "Merekam Jejak Wallace".

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