Reaching Finish Line with Friends
Kristiawan, 39, took part in an unusual race on Sunday morning (23/9/2018). He ran 2.7 kilometers wearing a costume resembling a bottle. It was challenging, but he was not alone running to the finish line.
Kristiawan, 39, took part in an unusual race on Sunday morning (23/9/2018). He ran 2.7 kilometers wearing a costume resembling a bottle. It was challenging, but he was not alone running to the finish line.
This was what Kristiawan experienced when he participated on Sunday in the Jakarta Kizuna Ekiden 2018 relay on the roads surrounding the Plaza Senayan shopping mall in Jakarta, starting at 6:30 a.m. The race, organized by the Kompas daily and the Mainichi Shimbun Japanese newspaper, has been an annual event since 2014.