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Advanced Indonesia?

Political progress cannot be built on a short-sighted vision and image building. The political essence of public life is to create a policymaking regime that is responsive to public interest. This involves the organization and governance of the state, all political parties and all political institutions.

Yudi Latif
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Yudi Latif

How long will we continue to be consumed by political contestation and disputes, which use up the nationโ€™s energy, and just feel a little proud as a nation when a man like Lalu Muhammad Zohri appears? โ€“ A man who, through his own struggles, strives for achievement on the world stage. Indeed, we talk too much about the fantasy of the nation\'s progress, and its constantly hyped demographic bonus, without really preparing strong fundamentals. Politically, the fundamentals for that progress include effective policymaking, production and knowledge regimes.

Political progress cannot be built on a short-sighted vision and image building. The political essence of public life is to create a policymaking regime that is responsive to public interest. This involves the organization and governance of the state, all political parties and all political institutions.
