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People and Culture Development Are Major Issues

Strengthening human resources in the face of global competition was among major issues highlighted in this year’s commemoration of National Education Day, which fell on Wednesday (2/5/2018).

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Teachers and students attend a ceremony to commemorate National Education Day on Wednesday (2/5/2018) at Taman Siswa on Jl. Taman Siswa in Yogyakarta, which was founded by national education hero Ki Hadjar Dewantara. National Education Day, which is commemorated on May 2, coincides with the birthday of Ki Hadjar Dewantara, a symbol of national education revival.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS – Strengthening human resources in the face of global competition was among major issues highlighted in this year’s commemoration of National Education Day, which fell on Wednesday (2/5/2018). This issue is in line with efforts to optimize the roles of family, schools and communities in reinforcing character education.

The Education and Culture Ministry held a ceremony and an arts and culture event at its office in Senayan, Jakarta. The Research, Technology and Higher Education Ministry held its own ceremony at Padjadjaran University in Bandung.
