Coaches and Athletes Worried
Uncertainties surrounding the shooting range for the 2018 Asian Para Games have unsettled coaches and national athletes. They are concerned they will not be able to adapt well during the competition.
Pentathlon athletes train for the Asian Games 2018 with coach Silvia Kristina Koeswandi (left) at the Education and Training Center in Ragunan, South Jakarta, on Tuesday (17/4/2018). Six athletes, three men and three women, will compete in pentathlon, which consists of running, swimming, fencing, shooting and horse riding.
JAKARTA, KOMPAS — Uncertainties over the shooting range for the 2018 Asian Para Games has disadvantaged the national team. The condition could become worse if decisions on the arena are made too close to the Games.
Indonesia should be able to take advantage as the host of Asian Para Games, with athletes having sufficient time to train at and adapt to the new arena. Moreover, the majority of athletes are juniors who lack experience.