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What Is Jokowi\'s Legal Politics?

Learning from the deliberation of the Legislative Institutions bill, on which the Jokowi has not yet taken a stand on whether to sign it into law or not, we ask the President to be cautious regarding the Criminal Code bill’s deliberation.

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Kompas/Alif Ichwan

Constitutional Court judge Suhartoyo (second left), accompanied by I Gede Palguna (left) and Saldi Isra (second right), presides over the first trial session of the judicial review of the Legislative Institutions (MD3) law at the Constitutional Court building in Jakarta on Thursday (8/3). The judicial review was requested by the Indonesian Solidarity Party’s legal and constitutional study forum (FKHK).

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo wants the House of Representatives (DPR) to accelerate its deliberation of the Criminal Code bill (RUU HP).

National Law Development Agency (BPHN) chair Enny Nurbaningsih disclosed the President\'s call to speed up the bill’s deliberation on Wednesday (7/3), after a meeting with Jokowi at Merdeka Palace. The RUU HP has indeed been the focus of every Indonesian president, as the revised code is expected to replace the existing Criminal Code, which was a product of colonial laws.
