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Jokowi to Build New Research Center

The government plans to build a research and innovation complex in theOne of the fundamental steps taken was to establish the National Research and Innovation Agency new capital city to be developed in East Kalimantan.

Laksana Agung Saputra / Laraswati Ariadne Anwar
· 1 menit baca

President Joko Widodo delivers a speech at the opening of the Kompas 100 CEO Forum 2019 in Jakarta, Thursday (28/11/2019). The forum’s theme focuses on strategic discussions about the growing industry in Indonesia.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS – The government plans to build a research and innovation complex in the new capital city to be developed in East Kalimantan. A total of 200,000-300,000 researchers will be invited, including Indonesian researchers currently working overseas.

“Research and innovation is the key to a (country’s progress). We should be entering this phase now,” President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo said on Monday (2/11/ 2019), responding to a question from Kompas at a media briefing at Merdeka Palace in Jakarta.

Syahnan Rangkuti