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Fix the Sports Development Strategy

Winning at the highest competitive level, such as the Olympics, must form the foundation of the sports development strategy, especially to overcome budgetary limitations.

Adrian Fajriansyah / Denty Piawai Nastitie /Herpin Dewanto Putro / Prayogi Dwi Sulistyo
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Athletes of the Indonesian contingent gather at the inauguration of the Indonesian team for the 30th Southeast Asian (SEA) Games in the Philippines in the Bung Karno Basketball Hall, Jakarta, Wednesday (27/11/2019). The ceremony was led by Youth and Sports Minister Zainudin Amali. The Indonesian contingent will send 1,311 people, including 841 athletes, 415 officials and 55 additional members. In the 2019 SEA Games, Indonesia will compete in 52 sports

JAKARTA, KOMPAS – The awareness to use the South East Asian (SEA) Games as a stepping-stone towards higher achievements at the Asian Games and the Olympics must be followed up with the development of a proper sports development strategy. A blueprint for sports development is thus needed to determine its long-term priorities, especially with regard to overcoming the budgetary limitations for national training camps (pelatnas).

Allocating the pelatnas budget using the cluster approach is a viable option for recognizing the achievements of particular sports associations. However, this can affect the effectiveness of the training camps. Those sports in lower clusters that have no other funding sources may only have budgets large enough to cover a two- to three-month pelatnas.

Syahnan Rangkuti