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Kompas100 CEO Lunch

The Challenge in Creating Single Data Systems

The use of digital technology is believed to have a positive impact on public services and the economy.

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Participants of the Lunch Discussion with CEOs themed “Exploring Opportunities and Challenges of Digital Disruption in 2020”, pose for a photograph during a break on Thursday (21/11/2019) at the Fairmont Hotel Jakarta. The participants of the discussion, which is part of the Kompas 100 CEOs Forum series, are (from left): PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia president director Warih Andang Tjahjono, PT Indofood Sukses Makmur director Franciscus Welirang, Kompas chief editor Ninuk Mardiana Pambudy, Surabaya Mayor Tri Rismaharini, National Development Planning Minister/head of the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) Suharso Monoarfa, Kompas Gramedia CEO Lilik Oetama, Tokopedia public policy and government relations director Astri Wahyuni, PT Bank CIMB Niaga managing director Tigor M. Siahaan and PT Tjiwi Kimia Paper Factory managing director Suhendra Wiriadinata.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS — The use of digital technology is believed to have a positive impact on public services and the economy. However, in addition to overcoming data problems, the paradigm of the government must be changed so that the digital transformation can be carried out optimally.

Speaking at the Kompas100 CEO Lunch discussion titled, Exploring the Opportunities and Challenges of the Presence of Digital Technology Towards 2020, in Jakarta on Thursday, National Development Planning Minister/Chairman of the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) Suharso said implementation of the single data policy should be followed by the use of a single map.


Versi cetak artikel ini terbit di harian Kompas edisi di halaman 1 dengan judul "Tantangan Wujudkan Data Tunggal".

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