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Those Who Inspire National Awareness

This group of intellectuals would later spread the idea of resistance throughout the entire populace. Indonesia’s independence would be unthinkable without the role of these figures of the founding generation.

NIA / Rini Kustiasih / Fajar Ramadhan
· 1 menit baca

Ruhana Kudus

Reports on the discrimination of women were never lacking from the several regional newspapers that Ruhana Kudus read. Her empathy was awakened. She then sought ways of raising awareness that would enable women to “liberate” themselves. After a discussion with her husband, Ruhana realized that other women could also have a similar comprehension of the articles as she had.

Ruhana later correspondended with several newspaper executives, including Soetan Maharadja, the chief editor of Utusan Melayu, a daily that was published in Padang, West Sumatra, in the early 20th century. In her letter, Ruhana expressed her intention to fight for women’s rights, which won Soetan Maharadja’s sympathy. The two then met and in 1912, founded the first newspaper for women in West Sumatra, Soenting Melajoe (Malay women). Ruhana, who is related to Sjahrir, a figure of the Indonesian independence movement, was appointed its chief editor.

Syahnan Rangkuti