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Utamaβ€ΊGovt Urged to Improve Disaster...

Govt Urged to Improve Disaster Victims Management

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) will improve its standards of post-disaster survivors management.

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An aerial view of tents at an evacuation center in Balaroa village, West Palu district, Palu city, Central Sulawesi, Friday (1/11/2019). The tents accommodate 200 families of survivors who have not been allocated semi-permanent housing. They continue to reside in tents 13 months after the earthquake.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS β€” The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) will improve its standards of post-disaster survivors management. However, regional administrations will be responsible for the implementation."There have been improvements in disaster survivor management in Lombok, Palu and Sinabung, even if there\'s still work to be done," BNPB chief Doni Monardo told Kompas over the phone on Tuesday (5/11/2019).

Common obstacles include the disaster\'s complexity, local social conditions and local governments\' poor disaster management capacity. For instance, the series of earthquakes in Lombok resulted in changing data. "Houses that were slightly damaged became severely damaged due to aftershocks. This delayed disaster management," Doni said.
