(A Part of) the Work of the Education and Culture Minister
Welcome to the youngest education minister in the history of the Republic of Indonesia. The young face that is expected to make a breakthrough in the world of education is a very bold step by President Jokowi.
Welcome to the youngest education minister in the history of the Republic of Indonesia. The young face that is expected to make a breakthrough in the world of education is a very bold step by President Jokowi. Nadiem Makarim is better known for Go-Jek.
Sri Mulyani, Nadiem Makarim and Retno LP Marsudi pose for a photograph shortly before being sworn in as ministers by President Joko Widodo at the State Palace in Jakarta on Wednesday (23/10/2019). Nadiem is the youngest education minister in the history of the Republic of Indonesia.
Age does not limit maturity and depth of thought. Ki Hadjar Dewantara founded Taman Siswa in 1922 at the age of 33. He was wise beyond his years.