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UtamaDedication of a ‘Displaced...

Dedication of a ‘Displaced Person’ from Poso

His career and family life was going very well until the Poso conflict broke out. He and his family were forced to flee to his hometown of Sukabumi.

Ratih P Sudarsono
· 1 menit baca

Jiji Suhaiji migrated from Poso about a decade ago. His career and family life was going very well until the Poso conflict broke out. He and his family were forced to flee to his hometown of Sukabumi. Life as a "displaced person" does not prevent Jiji from serving as a teacher. He succeeded in establishing a school for the poor.


Jiji Suhaiji

Jiji Suhaiji seems to have been destined to serve in the world of education. After winning a science contest held by the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) and state television broadcaster TVRI in 1987, he received a scholarship to study nutrition at the Bogor Agricultural University’s (IPB) School of Teacher Training Polytechnics. After graduating, he was immediately placed as a teacher at a vocational school in Poso, Central Sulawesi. Initially, he taught nutrition. After continuing his undergraduate program in biology, he taught biology.

Syahnan Rangkuti