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UtamaSchool for Migrant Workers’...

School for Migrant Workers’ Children

M Khairul Ikhwan has long been concerned to see many children from Indonesian migrant worker families and poor families in East Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, without a proper education.

Khaerul Anwar
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Muhammad Khairul Ihwan

M Khairul Ikhwan has long been concerned to see many children from Indonesian migrant worker families and poor families in East Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, without a proper education. He then designed a vocational education program that they could access for free. In fact, from the program, they get an allowance.

To date, only a few poor families in East Lombok have access to education. One reason is their inability to pay tuition fees. Ikhwan tried to respond to this by developing vocational high school SMK Ondak Jaya and a workshop in his kampung, Desa Utara hamlet, Pringga Jurang village, Montong Gading district, East Lombok.

Syahnan Rangkuti