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Clarify Duties of Deputy Ministers

President Joko Widodo inaugurated 12 deputy ministers at the Presidential Palace in Jakarta on Friday (25/10/2019), in an effort to boost the effectiveness of the Indonesia Onward Cabinet.

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Budi Gunadi Sadikin is introduced by President Joko Widodo as the deputy state-owned enterprises minister at Merdeka Palace in Jakarta on Friday (25/10/2019). A total of 12 deputy ministers for 11 ministries were sworn on Friday.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS – President Joko Widodo inaugurated 12 deputy ministers at the Presidential Palace in Jakarta on Friday (25/10/2019), in an effort to boost the effectiveness of the Indonesia Onward Cabinet. In order to eliminate the impression of power-sharing and conflicts of interests at ministries, the duties of these deputy ministers must be clarified right from the start.

The 12 deputy ministers come from diverse backgrounds. Five are professionals, namely Deputy Foreign Minister Mahendra Siregar, Deputy Environment and Forestry Minister Alue Dohong, Deputy Finance Minister Suahasil Nazara and Deputy State Owned Enterprises Ministers Budi Gunadi Sadikin and Kartika Wirjoatmodjo.

Syahnan Rangkuti