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World Leaders Pledge Stronger Climate Protection

Amid the sunny weather in New York in the past three days, “dark clouds” of climate change hung low over the United Nations (UN) headquarters.

B Josie Susilo Hardianto and FX Laksana Agung Saputra
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United States President Donald Trump (center), flanked by US Vice President Mike Pence, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (center-background) and US ambassador to the UN Kelly Craft (right), checks his watch while he attends the United Nations Climate Action Summit on Sept. 23, 2019 at the UN Headquarters in New York City.

NEW YORK, KOMPAS — Amid the sunny weather in New York in the past three days, “dark clouds” of climate change hung low over the United Nations (UN) headquarters. Aware of the effects of climate change in various parts of the world, governments and the private sector are working together to address the pressing challenges.

In the Climate Change Summit 2019, held one day before the opening of the 74th session of the UN General Assembly in New York on Monday (23/9/2019), world leaders and representatives of the private sector firmly pledged to support the global effort to curb temperature rises to less than 1.5 degrees Celsius.
