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More Electricity Supplied to Java-Bali

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President Joko Widodo (third right, in safety vest) inaugurates on Monday (2/25/2019) the 660-megawatt Cilacap Expansion I steam power plant (PLTU) that spans in Cilacap, Central Java. The power plant, which occupies 38.28 ha across the villages of Karangkandri, Slarang and Manganti, was developed by PT Pembangkit Jawa Bali, a subsidiary of state-owned electricity company PLN, and PT Sumber Segara Primadaya. Producing an additional 660 MW for the Java-Bali electricity supply system, PLN expects to serve up to 682,000 additional customers with the newly inaugurated power plant.

CILACAP, KOMPAS – Construction is being expedited on a steam power plant (PLTU) in Cilacap regency, Central Java. In addition to increasing the capacity of the Java-Bali electricity supply system, the PLTU is intended to accelerate meeting the electricity needs of up to 99.9 percent of the population.

President Joko β€œJokowi” Widodo inaugurated on Monday (Feb. 25, 2019) the Cilacap Expansion I steam power plant (PLTU) spanning the villages of Karangkandri, Slarang and Menganti in Cilacap regency. The power plant, with an output capacity of 660 megawatts (MW), is one of four electricity development projects in Cilacap.
